Who runs the world? Programmers!

Did you know that currently, there are 26.9 million developers in the world?

  • technology
  • world

Once you wake up, what do you do? Check your email and social on your phone? But is there somebody on the other side of it?

Let me tell you; there is always somebody - writing, rewriting, debugging,  troubleshooting, updating. And who that might be, you ask, of course, the programmers. 

Frankly, without them, you wouldn't be able to use your phone.

A programmer without a computer is like French cuisine without butter

It is obvious - the world we currently live in can't function without programmers, but let's first see why programming is crucial.

Software is all around us - it manages our everyday activities, whether work or fun. It plays a role in how companies make decisions, execute tasks, gather data, and more.

Programming has caused a revolution in the industrial and social parts of our everyday lives.

Coders - the problem solvers

Programming is a process taking three key phases: 

  1. Problem Identification

  2. Implementation  

  3. Maintenance 

Those 3 steps lay on the programmers' backs for them to successfully solve the appearing problems. And making sure that the trouble won't come back.

IT gurus - the modern creators

Another purpose of programming is to create. Create to make a difference. The languages, machines, compilers, and interpreters are only tools; brushes to painters. Software creation could be seen as an art where the programmers express themselves through functionality and design. Or programming could be simply whatever one intends it to be.

26,9 million life changers

Did you know that currently, there are 26,9 million developers in the world? 

Let's see a few examples of how some of them and their predecessors did.

Computer codes played a pivotal role in ending World War II. An English computer scientist, Alan Turing, was successful in deciphering the Nazis' code machine ENIGMA with his cryptologic and mathematical skills.

During this COVID-19 pandemic, Avi Schiffmann, a teenager, developed one of the world's most popular COVID-19 monitoring websites. He coded ncov2019.live, the admired COVID virus tracker that is one of the most visited corona trackers across the globe. Kautilya Katariya from the UK is the youngest to take up programming at 6. He developed AI applications after completing an array of study materials from IBM. He became a Guinness World Record holder.

Computer specialists - the new rulers

As the technology, which nowadays shapes our lives, changes rapidly, the programmers' role is only getting more critical. 

People are so used to relying on all the websites - from the social ones to the news - different gadgets and tools - simply because they all make life easier. But the ones guilty of having this ease are the programmers. So next time you scroll through Instagram, check your bank balance online, order food from that particular app, ask yourself who runs the world.

The answer is easy. The programmers!

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